By. Danan - 27 Jan 2023

img - PT. BIRU LAUT NUSANTARA  has been certified by SKP and HACCP, which is a system of quality assurance and safety of fishery products that is carried out from pre-production to distribution to obtain quality and safe fishery products for human health.

Eligibility certificate processing (SKP) is a certificate given to UPI that has implemented Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and comply with the requirements of Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP).

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Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) certificate is a certificate given to UPI that implements a food safety management system based on the awareness that hazards can arise at any stage of the process, but can be controlled through preventive measures and control of critical points.

The main elements of the HACCP system are :

a. Identify potential hazards (biological, physical, and chemical hazards). Assess the risk (likelihood) of occurrence.

b. Determine the Critical Control Point (CCP) Determine steps that can be controlled to eliminate or minimize the hazards.

c. Establish the criteria (tolerances, target level) that must be met to ensure that CCP is under control.

d. Establish a monitoring system.

e. Establish the corrective action when CCP is not under control.

f. Establish procedures for verification.

g. Establish documentation and record-keeping.

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An effective HACCP system will eliminate reduce the risks to an acceptable level. A HACCP system is required to be implemented for all wholesale processors and distributors of seafood.

PT. Biru Laut Nusantara already has a food suitability certificate (SKP) and a HACCP certificate 13 scopes :

1. Fresh Tuna (SKP No. 18793/73/SKP/SG/VII/2021 dan HACCP No. 047/PM/HACCP/PS/08/19)

2. Frozen Tuna (SKP No. 18794/73/SKP/BK/VII/2021 dan HACCP No. 052/PM/HACCP/PB/08/19)

3. Fresh Pelagic Fish (SKP No. 18789/73/SKP/SG/VII/2021 dan HACCP No. 046/PM/HACCP/PS/08/19)

4. Frozen Pelagic Fish (SKP No. 18790/73/SKP/BK/VII/2021 dan HACCP No. 051/PM/HACCP/PB/08/19)

5. Fresh Demersal Fish (SKP No. 1878/73/SKP/SG/VII/2021 dan HACCP No. 044/PM/HACCP/PS/08/19)

6. Frozen Demersal Fish (SKP No. 18788/73/SKP/BK/VII/2021 dan HACCP No. 049/PM/HACCP/PB/08/19)

7. Frozen Cephalopods (SKP No. 18786/73/SKP/BK/VII/2021 dan HACCP No. 048/PM/HACCP/PB/08/19)

8. Fresh Milkfish (SKP No. 18791/73/SKP/SG/VII/2021 dan HACCP No. 045/PM/HACCP/PS/08/19)

9. Frozen Milkfish (SKP No. 18792/73/SKP/BK/VII/2021 dan HACCP No. 050/PM/HACCP/PB/08/19)

10. Fresh Slipper Lobster (SKP No. 13894/73/SKP/SG/II/2020 dan HACCP No. 060/PM/HACCP/PS/01/21)

11. Frozen Slipper Lobster (SKP No. 13895/73/SKP/BK/II/2020 dan HACCP No. 062/PM/HACCP/PB/01/21)

12. Fresh Crab (SKP No. 13892/73/SKP/SG/II/2020 dan HACCP No. 059/PM/HACCP/PS/01/21)

13. Frozen Crab (SKP No. 13893/73/SKP/BK/II/2020 dan HACCP No. 061/PM/HACCP/PB/01/21)

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